
What is counseling _yunhongle

Counseling can be a simple definition of a word: passed into talk of applied psychology, counseling, help the visitor to know themselves, striving to improve the independence and improve life quality of the process. Counseling of objects including psychological disturbances of the normal human and psychological diseases (prevalence of psychiatric treatment should be in a mental hospital). Learning, work, life difficult setbacks or environmental changes caused by unsuitable and somatic diseases, incomplete due to psychological problems, a variety of neurosis, personality disorders, sexual disorders, adolescent behavior problems can seek psychological help, even on what professional, engaging in what profession suitable problem can find counselors. Voluntary principles, privacy principles and understanding of support principles, the principles of objectivity, promoting growth principles are the five basic principles of counseling. Counselors will be guided by five principles, the respect, trust, equitable standpoint, and visitors for friends of dialogue and communication. Friends, when you are confused, sad, setbacks are difficult to resolve, you may wish to try counseling services, I believe the harvest.

