
Second Life education applications _ CHAN Wing Bo

Author: Wei ting liyi publishing date: 2010-09-03 17: 45: 24 times comments: 0 last Second Life (second life) is a United States Linden Lab (LindenLab) 2003 released a Web-based 3D virtual world.

By Linden Lab developed client programs, users (in SecondLife residents called "in"), you can create your own "virtual incarnation" (Avatar), participate in the virtual world of exploration and social activities, manufacturing and trading of virtual property and services. Second Life provides 3-d modeling tool, and the Linden scripting language (LSL LindenScripting Language, abbreviations), residents can use these tools to create virtual objects. In 2004, Linden Lab announced on the user's creation of intellectual property protection policy, which greatly stimulated the residents to participate in the enthusiasm, the rapid growth in the number of users. At the beginning of 2006, Second Life's one million registered users, with 400 million by the end of breakthrough, to September 2008, the number of users has reached 15 million, currently has close to 20 million, the average online simultaneously around 4 million people. SecondLife has become the first attract global business and educational users of virtual worlds (Salomon, 2007). IBM, Intel, Yahoo, and other companies in Second Life on its own island, for the purpose of trade, training etc; Harvard University began in Second Life in courses that help students in this and similar to the real world environment business education practice. With Second Life's continue to promote the educational, economic potential will be gradually. SecondLife education application of SecondLife education potential of excavation began in 2005, there was some educators in Second Life in the attempt to carry out teaching activities (Lester, 2006). At first, the Second Life of available educational resources and tools for less, only some mailing lists, educational wiki and education working group, such as "SecondLife EducationWorkshop", etc. In 2006, landing Sec-ondLife educators the rapid growth in the number, the rapid development of educational applications. In 2007, already have 161 College and University in Second Life established the appropriate area, 35 to 40 classes implemented in SecondLife teaching (Adrienne & Gauthier, 2007). After four years of practice, the application of education SecondLife has formed a certain scale. (A) subject teaching type rendering diversity SecondLife is widely used in various fields of teaching, including Linguistics, astronomy, medicine, business, literature, art, biology, history, ecology and tourism (Saltet a.l, 2008). SecondLife provide to really environment and creating tools for teachers and students in low-cost environment for various disciplines, teaching activities, while at the same time rich immersive experiences for teaching and learning by creating more opportunities. In 2007, the United States Buffalo State Research Foundation-sponsored "VF" project (TheVirtualFashionProject) is the professional fashion design course introduction of CAD virtual world garment design, help students to graphic design works converted to 3-d representation, constructing 3D virtual experience (Polvinen, 2007). The student will first need to learn how to register in Second Life, create your own virtual avatars, walk the land, the air of basic skills. In student expertly master these basic skills, they start using the system provides various functions menu design their own clothes. Once they create works completed, students will learn how to make them in SecondLife avatar in a variety of positions, taking photos of a variety of angles, clothing display. Creation of the work to the publishing of the whole process, the students, the most attractive is that you can experience real-world professional work of each process, such as product planning, fashion design, OEM, product development and marketing, this experience can help students to acquire professional skills, prepare for future employment. Virtual world to support language learning and cross-cultural study of potential has been recognized (Von derEmde et a.l, 2001), many universities such as the United States Michigan State University (MichiganState University) and the United Kingdom the Southampton University (University ofSouthampton) has been carried out in the Second Life language teaching. "AvatarEnglish EnglishVillage" and "Second Life" is in the interest of higher learning zone (Kay & FitzGerald, 2008), teaching is often in simulated real-world scenarios with different languages, such as in the market, banks, cinemas, and so that students can use text, you can also use SKYPE, MSN or YAHOO voice chat system to role-play talking with teachers. The learning process, students can also get through a virtual library of rich online learning resources, such as audio files, course materials, etc. This new approach to language learning, has received positive feedback from students (Kay & FitzGerald, 2008). Language teaching in SecondLife has undergone constant attempts, invasiveNew and continuing into teaching new demands. Teachers learn how to manage their teaching knowledge, how to share experience with other teachers, as well as how to enrich the teaching resources, strengthening language teaching expertise. From 2007, by TheCon-sultants E (an online education consultant, see http://www. thecon-sultants-e. com) sponsored the annual Conference, will SLanguages virtual world in the language of instruction and education researchers and scholars gather to SecondLife in 3D virtual worlds for language education and cultural exchange, communicate, share in the virtual world of experience in teaching language, on how to make better use of these virtual tools (Llewelyn, 2007). (Ii) teaching practice forms render diverse 1. virtual classroom Spain IE Business School is one of the world in the Second Life virtual classroom in the creation of the first business school Professor, Institute of RicardoPerez is one of the pioneer. In his virtual classroom, Student Union, because the operations are not skilled in flying into the classroom into the Blackboard, but Ricardo professors do not believe that this is intolerable errors, on the contrary, he even want students with a blank status to enter into this virtual world, hands-on exploration of this interesting platform. Students deeply to experience the unique value of virtual classroom, they no longer like in a real classroom so tense, some shy to speak in a real classroom, a student in the virtual world is a manifestation of our desires. Moreover, SecondLife provide highly personalized tools to enable them to deliver personalized information to peer, which gives them full of curiosity and imagination. SecondLife virtual classroom experience of creating received positive feedback from students. Jamaludin et al. (2009) by 45 in SecondLife to role play to learn student interviews and found that students generally believe in this kind of SecondLife virtual experience is valuable, they feel that learning more interesting. Faiola and Lifeova (2009) also believe that Second Life has created the "telepresence" (Telepresence) to help students in the learning experience of the "flow" (Flow). The "flow" is "people fully operational in a behavior to experience the feeling of a whole" (Csikszentmihaly, i1975), is an extremely impressive enjoy mental state and temporary subjective experience. The "flow" experience of important result is that enhance students ' intrinsic motivation and complete the higher level of complex tasks (Grabe, 2002). 2. distance learning in distance teaching, teachers and students of separation in time and space, students and teachers between the mental space and physical space distance interaction, strengthening-student interactions can effectively shorten the distance (Moore, 1993). Second Life virtual avatar in the presence of teachers and students, as well as expression, language, and actions of interaction can effectively shorten the distance interaction. Distance learning is also considered to be in SecondLife in most development potential in teaching practice (Saltet a.l, 2008). Some universities already in SecondLife in course, explore the virtual world for remote teaching. For example, the Harvard law school and Harvard College in Second Life, offering courses in CyberOne enrolled students can Second Life video, discussions, lectures, etc., whether students or teachers where they are available through the network in real time, interactive learning, video and presentations of information are freely available (Benzinger, 2006). Number of international organizations and training institutions also use SecondLife remote virtual properties and members from around the world. The NMC in SecondLife (NewMediaConsortium, new media Association), is the world's more than 55 countries in more than 200 universities, colleges, and other research institutions established international organizations, whose members can be at the NMC meeting space, including some medium of live and recorded speech, student reports, etc (Robbins, 2007). ASTD (American SocietyforTraining & Development, training and Development Association, United States) also in SecondLife, establishing a "little island" to contact the Association members. In their view, this is a broader population of communication and exchange of new methods (Harris, 2008). 3. teaching experiment because SecondLife is a natural world of simulation, and equipped with meteorological and gravity system, and therefore show the natural and physical phenomenon of opportunities. For example, Weber (2006a, 2006b) in Second Life a Turkey in the open-air theatre, and creates a true Sun, Moon and Earth proportional scale equivalent objects model, simulate the Sun, Moon and earth near the same straight line of solar eclipse phenomenon. NOAA (NationalOceanic and AtmosphericAd-ministration, United States National Oceanic and atmospheric Agency) also published a SecondLife for showing a variety of weather-related phenomena of the site, to popular weather, atmospheric changes and human behavior is how interactive knowledge (Hackathorn, 2007). SecondLife also gave people observe society, humanity a new angle. Maybe in the virtual identity of disguise, it is more natural, to show more human nature things (Reed & Fitzpatrick, 2008). Therefore, SecondLife is also a suitable for all forms of sociological, psychological experiment environment. For example, Stanford University (Stanford University) of the virtual human interaction lab (VirtualHuman InteractionLaboratory, VHIL) of psychologists in SecondLife, did an experiment, find those looks fascinating virtual avatar approaches the stranger within 3 feet, and the general appearance of a virtual avatar you and strangers keep a distance of 6 feet. In other words, a virtual avatar looks have a direct impact on a person in the virtual world of self-confidence, and this confidence can be extended to the real world. 4. skills training SecondLife has very strong simulation function, you can simulate a large number of skills training environment, students in this virtual environment, skills training can get closer to real-world experiences and feelings. For example, the United States Tennessee State University School of Medicine (TennesseeStateUniversity) for continuing medical education of physicians who participate in Second Life, use SecondLife virtual clinic, medical school students become familiar with all aspects of treatment. Through the Second Life virtual avatars, students have the opportunity to experience the work of the laboratory, access to life is in danger of virtual patients. They can also ask to patients, collect patient related data, and use network resources on diagnosis and treatment of these patients (Kay & FitzGerald, 2008). SecondLife in rich interpersonal interaction channels and convenient for the business management, social service courses of the training also offers opportunities. For example, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of hotel and tourism management in Second Life has three for teaching and training of small islands and the island built a Virtual University campus, with hotels, conference centres and university teaching hotel model. Students in this virtual environment and other people contacts and exchanges, extended range, enhance social interaction and communication skills. 5. virtual library in order to increase and the opportunity to contact the readers, many libraries in SecondLife, establishing its own service area, users can just like in real life as it came into the library, enjoy a library of resources. In April 2006, a famous joint library system (Alliance Library System) in SecondLife, lease a small building, opened a small virtual libraries, for its 259 various types of member libraries in Second Life a virtual home on the possibility and reality (Swanson, 2007). May 2007, SecondLife library was founded, the library already have 17 Islands (Swanson, 2007). More and more schools, non-profit organizations, businesses are Second Life create their own library. (C) teaching object age renders hierarchical SecondLife Linden Lab will make different versions to suit for different age groups of people, mainly divided into adult version and adolescent version (Conklin, 2007). Adult version is primarily intended for users over the age of 18, and strictly limits access to minors. In order to effectively restrict minors entering the adult area, Linden Labs in 2007 released the age verification that all residents in SecondLife were asked to provide proof of identity, only authenticated and proved to be an adult, was allowed to enter some adult sites. In the adult version of Second Life, Linden Lab by publishing standards for different areas of the virtual classification, different standards and specifications for residents. Second Life is divided into a security area or unsafe, adult (M) or non-adult (PG, parental guidance), residents of behavior must be consistent with the regional classification, SecondLife is not classified in any of the areas or the site will be considered non-adult level. All the casinos, nightclubs, and other adult sites are located in the region, while M libraries, museums and the virtual campus, etc. appear in PG regional, University to PG area construction education scene, organization, teaching activities. Youth version of Second Life (Teen SecondLife, TSL), only allow 13 ~ 17-year-old adolescents to enter. TSL design style and adult versions, are just some content needs to be guided by the parents. Currently, the TSL already widely carried out various youth education and development projects, involving youth cooperative learning, resource development, skills training, etc. (Joseph, 2007). GlobalKids is a United States non-profit agencies in New York, dedicated to urban youth leadership, citizenship, rights and obligations as well as learning skills. In 2006, GlobalKids in TSL created a first public Island, to explore the virtual world in creating new learning environment. "Kids" CampGlobal projects is one of the last attempt (Feldman, 2006). The project is actually a virtual summer camp, from the three countries of 15 young people to participate in an interactive experience-based learning courses, learning about global issues, such as economic inequality and in Darfur of population extinction event. Project leader Joseph believes that in addition to this experience, young people can learn from each other's cultural background derived more content. (4) teaching activities designed to render in a creative user in SecondLife creations can be proprietary protection. In January 2004, Linden Lab has adopted the "creative sharing" copyright agreement, Lauren SI �� Lech lattice, let users create their own content. Linden Lab more clear that whenever the user makes of: articles, allRights are vested in the I, even if Linden Lab will have no right to intervene. Give the user the greatest creative powers and on the recognition of the ownership of personal belongings, undoubtedly inspired the creation of each of the participants, their passion and maximize talent to build this huge virtual world. Johnson (2006) considered that, in SecondLife, people only resistance is its creativity. He listed some in Second Life can be engaged in creative activities: �� architects can build virtual buildings, exploring areas for improvement in buildings; �� Entrepreneurs can be a relatively safe environment to test a new business model (although SecondLife economic forms and realistic economic formation there is a difference); �� Urban designer can hire purchase building materials for construction workers or, prior to the Second Life in planning a virtual city. Houston (UniversityofHouston) opened in SecondLife in "capital and design" course, this is an economic design courses, involving commercial operation of realistic model of the design (Johnson, 2006). Second Life virtual economy and in all types of customers, provide students with a realistic simulation of opportunities. Students play in the virtual marketplace to their design, choose your favourite land, design, and experience your own enterprise, experiment with their new ideas and progress from the error without concern for any risk. In the "campus: teen second life" project EdBoost Learning Center, learning programming experiment platform is SecondLife, they use SecondLife script language learn to create mosaics in SecondLife environment activities (such as move, explosion, launching) interesting objects, such as when you hit the door, the door can be opened, to sit on their design and construction of motor bike and let it run, etc. (Seneta.l, 2007). This kind of creative learning methods greatly inspired students ' motivation to learn programming, the ability of computer programming. Many universities and research institutions in Second Life in a project to encourage students to be writing and research. For example, MIT launched Second Life goods design contest projects, encourage students to be creative, to build virtual communities; Huddersfield University (HuddersfieldUniversity) "education and career development" project, to encourage students in SecondLife in designing imaginative buildings; Ohio learning network (OhioLearningNetwork) for teachers and students to design their own island, assist University research knowledge-based economy. Comprehensive, current analysis we can conclude that the Second Life as a traditional teaching environments, to enrich the teaching supplement provides new opportunities. First of all, SecondLife for teachers and students provides a highly interactive and effective alternative to face-to-face communication, this communication with the Second Life platform and embedded diversification tool, greatly extended and expanded its teachers and students communicate with time and space. Secondly, SecondLife is helping educators are fostering a strong sense of cooperation, the creation of a strong shared and cooperative spirit of the online community. Once again, Second Life encourages innovation, has developed a series of policies for the protection of intellectual property, this mechanism greatly inspired the creative, modeling tools and scripting language for creating the conditions for the students of creation. Moreover, the virtual incarnation of the application to help students generate a virtual avatar identity, thereby taking the physical presence of consciousness to guide own Act, such a sense of control and Visual sensory stimuli will greatly enhance the student experience, enabling students to more easily immersed in it. Although the discussion in Second Life positive educational significance is educators are the focus of attention, their application to SecondLife education potential and prospects optimistic attitude. However, there are also some educators opposed to this, they consider that this new technology on education, almost no value (Eduserv, 2008). Currently, the majority of SecondLife education application is still in experimental stage and, in the future also need educators can continue exploring its educational value, the effectiveness of teaching and learning. On the other hand, SecondLife offers this kind of "student-centered" autonomous learning environment bound to learner higher requirements, and how to make teaching and learning in virtual environments, virtual design learning resources for students learning to control problems are also facing new challenges.

