
That stupid thing to say, what to do (white) _ AO's

�Ǽ����£���ô˵����ô��wbr>������߹ţ�Mangogul���յ��õ�һ��ħ����ָ���������Ů����ת����ָ����Ƕ���鱦��Bijou�����¼����Ϊ��ض���ָ������������ͻῪʼ˵��������Ů����ǰ�ķ�������һ���Ե������� Well, give it a try. The ancient Sudan m high ring at the Thai lace in sleep. The "" bijou (jewelry or something else) said: "it seems also before my eyes, four hours nine proof of love, what moment!! Peter Monza is a kind of God!" (neufpreuves d'amour en quatre heures.Ah! quels que zermounzaidest moments! un homme divin!) the "ninth proof of love" and so on, is the classic syntax, we of course can also be translated into nine "get trip". Manuel high ancient Sudan not satisfied, he would like to know more details. He also pinch pinched finger ring, on clothes, make it more bright, bright shining to Thai lace "bijou", "" bijou now began a more historic intonation (d'unton plus historique). 1748, Diderot in his pornographic novels the Bagua jewelry (Les Bijouxindiscrets), proposed a new text on pornography, the tone of the "historic," Mann high ancient Sudan �� the old 18th century erotic stories listeners want more detail, evidence that he did not want to listen to the middle ages-Duan. The "four hour up to nine times" is bogaqiu and Rabelais ' narration. Although on the surface, Diderot's story is still "bijou" oral literature to describe ancient Sudan m high, but the story really face the audience, but is printed text of a new generation of readers, they are just as high as ancient Sudan m, it is difficult to meet. The future of porn grammar? "that things like also before my eyes," Diderot clearly stated at the outset. Although the history of the past tense, but readers and Manuel high ancient Sudan requires the description of the time and duration of the real event. In four hours and nine times between, you need to fill more statements. Narrator "bijou" initial efforts were amazed and exclamation, "Ah!". "Ah!" is a sign, is dying. Such as small g trebillon (Cr��billon) in the night "(La Nuit et lemoment) said:" Ah! Madame ! ... Ma joie suffoque; je ne me puisparler (Ah, Ma'am! ... Happy makes me choke). " Later (1835), Gauthier (Th��ophile Gautier), Miss the mo class (Mademoiselle deMaupin) further analysis: "he screamed, sound between the short ' Oh! ' and ' Ah! ', but I absolutely believe it's more like ' Ah! ' instead of ' Oh! '" (cri de un petit Ilfit surprise tenant le milieu entre oh! et ah!Cependant j'ai les meilleures raisons de croire qu'il tenait plusde ah! Que de oh!) this is the phonetics of the scale, according to an erotic body organs (lip synch) changes. To the late 18th century, near the medieval static vision (to the position of Vice printmaking origins) of sexual imagination, in printing porn appears in the text of the new changes, porn is a solid strips (readers may think of today's medical terminology platform stage "plateau") of the progressive process. Medieval text mentioned in that matter, often use such as "bircoler besoigner," "," "farfouiller" verbs, and agriculture-related vocabulary, farming or sowing. It is a flattened, completely passive subject soil. In 18th century France "dangerous" frequent loose living room, people enjoy the process instead of results. Ingenious technology (raffinements) appear in the pornographic novels, although this remains controversial. 1832 in a novel LesAmours secr��tes de M. Mayeux, hero contempt kindly says: "nous fimes mille b��tisesqui aboutirent �� foutre, encore deuxfois." (Those fragmented stupid thing let us once more engaging. ) In the sentence "the equivalent English foutre" in the "fucking". Do you want to be "a" have to do a set of "stupid". And no matter what on Earth is not a stupid thing �� until the end of the 19th century, many pornographic novels still oppose them, because the same flavor fragile, delicate so "fin-de-si��cle" male hero in the novel is often advocated "Overlord arch", figure lots of guy is not a final "engageSqueeze "found heroine worse than he. If you are married, she was not a Virgin; if it is a social butterfly, he certainly is not her boyfriend was the strongest. But all that stupid thing to do (how to do this on our economy, later). For telling the story of porn "historian", it is important for them to discover, from a stupid thing to "vertex" (18th-century France novelists like using "lecomble" and "supr��me" to the Supreme joy named) takes time. In the first half of the 18th century, the "quart" (quarter), a more accurate time much the noun appears in France porn, to replace the "moment" before. But use quite chaotic, sometimes "happy vertex" itself is enough to last a full "quart"; sometimes it seems the "quart" also includes those "stupid". The "quart" is a party to a faded ecstasy (extase), in LesAphrodites, it also is the protagonist of a quarter use tongue (heure d ' un quart deglottinade). We have no way of knowing what period of time. If you think that it is "vertex" too long, there's more. Assad Marquis Histoire deJuliette in heroine said: "I am his expert fingers under the ' uninstall ' (d��chargeai) Sixth, but his only once the ' emission ' (�� j a c u l a t I o n) the renewal of a full two hours. "Is indeed a worthy of a major" history "events. We can laugh at Marquis arrogant male delusion, but derision is still wrong implantation of the era. Because Assad and his contemporaries did not know exactly how much time is needed. No sexual medicine textbooks this guidance, there is no extensive dissemination of pornographic novels intensive exchange of different experiences of the respective author Constitution �� "how much would you say the number again. "In any case, it is not simply take over a whole period of time. Coupled with the exclamation of a sigh is not enough. To fill gaps in the story, the Narrator must continue to invent. Language evolution in a sense has revolutionized modern these foolish things early France porn novelist lack descriptive language resources, more dramatic experience that they are willing to adopt first-person narrative, he is the narrator of pornographic event, and at the heart of the "vertex" charge of the client. Small Chraibi wing in LeTriomphe des religieuses let his actor said: "Eh! ... Eh!�� Eh!��tu me tues��ar��r��te,je me��meurs.�� The effect that he himself was killed "fast it quickly die!". Onomatopoeic words groan, complete sentences is breakpoint segmentation, cut into a group were of monosyllabic, twitch-intermittent, such as residual asthmatic shout (ejaculation) out of the confusing words of significance, such as intermittent Eruption (ejaculation) out of the content of the liquid. This sentence is assigned to the "make bed", like some kind of poetic meta-language (metalinguistic) nostalgia to vowel syllable dates back to ancient (as is from the ancient babbling in ancestors mouth). It represents the language (and body), give up, also on behalf of the language (and body). This is text in the ethnic porn poetics and porn grammar, Jia let his son as the village of tangwan butterfly back mosquito block tickling, she also said: "you bite? you you you bite of what what what you yo yo ..." we only feel her stammer, unable to experience the heart of the waves. In 1798 by Giustina (L'Anti-Justine), we read this sentence: "Je pa ... ars! �� Jed��cha��arge! �� Hh! ... "(I want to go, I want to put it). "Haah" enough, plus bend circumflex accent mark. If you like sound enough to pass a strong emotional interjections, it also has the traditional term, Assad profanity "boudoir philosophy", hero fearlessly shouts: "Sacr�� foutudieu! ��" (equivalent to the English Holying fuckingGod), if not enough, there are condensed versions of the Marquis: "foutredieu!" "foutre" (fuck), at the latest to France revolution era, crude language into the spoken text printing. Not only does it look like "d��charge" did now flowing, but like in the middle ages those from agriculture or livestock husbandry of verbs, clearly alleged actions. Nerciat-LesAphrodites (1793), a young nobleman disguised as servant dives into the Marchioness of room. He seeks to gate, protracted Marchioness decisive order: Foutre! (S ' �� r I c e l t-e-l e) metsdonc! (Foutre! she shouts road, in the car. ) The second part is not yet common password. Immediately after the short password, the author writes a lengthy "Editor's note"-type text (here we summarize the effect): like all exquisite (d��licates) readers, we hate to speak to a classy ladies so vulgar, we pleaded with wisdom and so experience available to our readers of different expressions. A nice phrase, neither toned, not vulgar. I have tried several times without success. The author then listed several early 18th century porn usually use the statement: "the complete triumph bar", "rush to beat me," and "take me to the end of the bar". Indeed, were all behind "Foutre". The emergence of town dirty words, shows pornographic novels another leap forward. ActionDescribing the script no longer seems like drama, are just a character dialogue accessible text. In 1789 the anonymous author of erotic fiction VingtAns de la vie d'un jeune homme, readers see a series of actions �� Je la trousse. je vois son con, je lache mon vit, et sans plusde c��r��monie, je la fous. A peine ��tais-je entr�� que d'un coup decul elle me fait aller jusqu'au fond et, croisant ses jambes surmes reins et remuant la charni��re, elle d��charge; j'en faisautant. Interested readers can use the "translategoogle", in a large number of nouns, verbs in without translation. Our original license issue, just to let the reader to a sentence of Hemingway's Telegraph style has visual style. With the previous focus on the subject of subjective expression monologue, laments the contents of both short and long, messy and wealth to the rhythm. No hesitation, no clause and dropped tail complex sentences. Narrator also attempted to use syntax to map pornographic event process. By porn writing and dissemination of grammar and rhetoric, diachronic described, as well as narrative style rules inherent natural rhythm, the turning point of progress, given modern Erotica marked events a poetic form. The beginning of the 18th century depiction of a vice of monologue has attempted to compare Phonetics to mark the timescale for pornographic event, as we previously mentioned, the "Miss Mo class that changes the meaning of time lip synch. To the 19th century, sexual medicine text specific term began to be pornographic novels. Clinical signs are defined and named porn story provides a large number of body-time mark. Now porn novelist who used "orgasme" (high tide) instead of significance unknown "vertex", "some nouns for pathological description into porn. 1905 in extreme pleasure "(LaVolupt�� f��roce) describes Robert IChemE climax of the Countess: a dither her entire body (secou��), a sudden spasm (de spasmessubits), her arm twisting (tordit les bras), her tears Eruption (avec des sanglotscoul��rent en abondance), her body becomes cold (elle �� t I t a l a g e c ��), tremor (frissonnait), her smooth out goose bumps on the skin (et sa peau si a fine �� t I t d e v e n u e rugueuse par un de chair de poule h��rissement). Previously, porn novelist describes the female body-time markers, you can only use the "Uninstall" for males (d��charge). Now, when they will be "vertex" (or so), they can also use their own unique (Pathology of) vocabulary to describe them. This, in a way completely change the sex life of modern people. It is difficult to logically "narrative of porn" (eroticism ofnarrative) set a starting point, but we can be "obscene in narrative" (narrative oferoticism) assumes that a starting point. We do not know when begin tell humans sex stories (poetry in ancient Greece? 300?), but we do know, contemporary life and contemporary erotic imagination, he worked in the history of a certain moment, being a variety of narrative text definition, design, specifications and change. Now, if you do not see those "spasm", "distort", "cold" and "goose bumps" did not hear the incoherent monologue, sometimes profane words, we will no doubt our happy quality (we do therefore strongly supports Chinese pinyin?) we may from time to time looked nightstand Bell, we strive to make our "quarter" with (available he tells) standards.

