
10 field consists of small animal behaviorist big tragedy _ youth abstracts green Edition

Small animal behaviorist great tragedies �� text/ Qi Zhong Wen a mouse bury the hundreds of people 1940 in mid-June, Nazi Germany invaded France, after Paris, the capital, were often attacked by France patriotic forces. A summer night in 1941, Paris the city suddenly, the city suddenly mired in confusion. Germany command to determine the city's power outage is France's armed forces to attack the planned before. Thus, the German night emergency reinforcement from native to Paris a mechanized Division of troops to strengthen readiness. Germany were laid off, stayed a few days, but has not been subjected to attack, so the sputtering killed hundreds of people in Paris. After identification, power outages due to power switch wire is uniphase15a cartridge gnawed off and power failure. A group of Toad kill 500 soldiers in the autumn of 1944, in Italy in the South of the railway line and a column full of soldiers train station from Bay Talcahuano, in formation, like running forward. However, the train departure for two hours, but has not yet arrived at only 5 km away from the front of the station, just as you said, the train crew on a pant running reports, train was forced to stop in the S-shaped tunnels, the car more than 500 soldiers were killed. Originally, the tunnel in the dark, dank, many Toad sprawling on the tracks, wheels and Rails-full is rolling dead Toad mucus as a lubricant, painted in situ skidding of wheels. Drivers who desperately want to Tim coal gas, on the slopes, in and out of the tunnel, but idling wheel always. War on trains is inferior coal burning, a high concentration of carbon monoxide in poorly ventilated in s-shaped tunnels, soldiers in his sleep due to inhalation of excessive amounts of carbon monoxide poisoning and death overall. A group of bee destroyed Brazil agriculture 1957, Brazil Sao Paulo University accidentally released a hybrid descendants of African bee, laid a curse. Character violent African bee escape, suitable for living in the South American jungle multiply rapidly, constantly to spread and cause disaster. 30 years, at least 400 people died killing bee poison claws. Subsequently, the United States, Venezuela, and constantly came to kill bees threaten human message. Killer Bee on agriculture at risk, to crop the local Bee Pollen transfer, easy and this looks similar to the African bee hybrid, hybrid of bee pollen no longer teach for crops, in order to do this, Brazil Agriculture annual loss of up to $ 1 billion. A birds killed 13 generals September 1980, Iran and Iraq to arms, the Middle East tensions. Egypt's President held a meeting to discuss with senior military and war situations. After the meeting, 13 General Board a military aircraft from Cairo to port said. When flew over the Eastern Mediterranean, a bird with same air like shells into the aircraft turbine engines, moments, the engine stopped, the aircraft lost his balance and planted in the Eastern Mediterranean, machine 13 General all were killed. Fear of flying aircraft because the aircraft speed and power. It is calculated that a bird hit speed 1000km/h of the aircraft, its impact force of up to 100 tons, which would certainly cause computer crash tragedy, it is not surprising that the aviation history known as Adam is playing the "bird." A cockroach ruined a company in the early 1980s, Japan home rain boots company sent to Southeast Asia, Europe and around the world have come to company products salesman, reported local rain, water, everywhere needs rain boots style, and quantity. The company will handle these information into the computer, the calculated to produce 500 million pairs of rain boots to meet market demand. So the company manager decides that immediately organized production and marketing, but the entire rainy season only sales by 20 per cent to 80 per cent became lower sticker, the company is therefore responsible for debt and ultimately bankruptcy. Managers began to suspect that a salesman provides error information, later ascertained that a cockroach climb into the computer and the equanimity the circuit, causing malfunction, resulting in the production of 500 million pairs of rain boots error data. A group of snail destroyed a bridge 1980s of a spring, the capital of Nigeria, Lagos, a huge stone arch bridge collapse, bridge hundreds more pedestrian killed in Fall River, this is the history of African bridge deadliest accident. After hearing the bridge experts to the scene of accident investigation and analysis, which results in the bridge structure and the construction site are error-free, no overloading and man-made damage. What exactly is the cause of the tragic bridge collapse? later, a bridge experts carefully investigated, found in the bridge arch stone gap between crawls with snails. This local eat snails-Hi, solidification lime lime mortar bridges as a delicacy. Time, the lime stone gnawing at the end of the arch and loose between lost bond, leading to a bridge collapse. A swarm of bees Subversion a train 1960s, India's Eastern train pulled into a WAD of station La Naxi, directing traffic signal rack filled the bee couldn't see the drivers is parking or walk signal, then leaned out of the window. Suddenly be a bee stung, he stuck it killed. But bees death-San gave off a special smell of hormone information, to the nearby colony surround drivers out the sting. The driver was painful, vision blurred, immediate emergency braking, but the train of inertia still drive train broke into the station, suddenly hit pause on the same orbit another train, killing five car Subversion, more than 300 injured passengers devastating accident. Wbr a bubble > cat urinary burning a warehouse in the summer of 1990, a warehouse in southern Japan somehow there was a fire, to investigate the cause of the fire, the first rule out human arson and short circuit, or denial of warehouse goods spontaneous combustion and ignition, burning causes temporary check out. Then someone discovered a burned to death in cats and the corner of a pile of calcium lime. An expert analysis to infer that, as the cat in quicklime sprinkle a dip in the urine, lime water chemical hygiene mature lime, its chemical reactions, temperatures up to several hundred degrees Celsius, volume expansion 2 ~ 3 times, large amount of heat accumulation is not bulk, exceeding the fuel ignition point, covered in the above linoleum, wood fire, thereby causing a fire. In order to confirm that this inference, the experts had a simulation experiment, the equivalent of a bubble cat urine water poured in the quicklime, 50kg really will be covered in the above linoleum burning up. A small insect destruction a city suquinda is Sudan Red Sea coast of a famous 19th century travelers who make it known as the "Red Sea of Venice", but now it has been turned into ruins. Who knows, this bustling flourish as long as 5 centuries of urban destruction of reason was actually a bug. In 1860, the rulers of the island of Turkey ordered the construction of city walls and the construction of houses, the inhabitants took advantage of the Red Sea at low tide, collecting coral transported back to port serves as a building material. During transportation, they also brought coral into the waterways, laid a curse. Since this area in temperate waters, causing coral proliferation. Before long, the channel will take out several coral reefs, and cause cannot be navigable port blocking. To the beginning of the 20th century, even a small boat also could not pass through, with suquinda City gradually deserted, eventually discarded. (Blue bin from the friends of science and technology ", no. 4, 2009)

