
100 character cards "six" _zheng526969

Psychology and the new era of thought �C "a century of character" cards (6) characters George �� GE Rajiv (Gurdjieff1866 ~ 1949 was born in Armenia) main ideas GE Rajiv was traveling and many ancient secret meaning knowledge spread across geographical, including India, Tibet, Egypt, Mecca, Sudan, Iraq, etc. The first half of the same songs never let Oracle, nobody knows his informative training background. Youth, participating organizations will explore the "truth" in 1912, he went to Moscow, St. Petersburg established spiritual group; a left 920 Russia to Turkey, a 1922 to settle in France, founder of Fontainebleau the harmonious development of the "human body" and to normal operation. GE Rajiv founded the "Fourth Road" spiritual system. He called the "Fourth Road" origin distant; some of its system concept born Buddhist, Sophie esoteric Buddhism, Christianity, while others are original. In his view, the development of the human nature there are three traditional way: first line: by instinct sport exercises for development of people, that is, an ascetic way; the second road: through the emotional aspects of exercises to develop people, namely the monks; third, by reason of the exercise to develop, or yoga. The "Fourth Road": is also working for the body, and emotions. He called the "Fourth Road" as: "the psychology of human evolution possible." The evolution from the "might" point of view of people, first defined the nature just make a stage of development. After the stage of purification that is human nature and characteristics of some of the evolution, or rather is human spiritual evolution, and this evolution must be by virtue of human consciousness. He pointed out that human development is not possible to influence in many of the general public, only under the agreement may be the result of personal inner development. Therefore, the definition of his goodness is simple; all contribute to the spiritual evolution is good. GE Rajiv "psychological buffering zone" this important psychology proposition. He believes that we each have their own negative traits of character, hidden in a carefully constructed internal buffering system, or call it: "the psychological defense mechanism". This kind of buffer zones, you can make the person will not be because their ideas, emotions and language conflicts and uneasy. However, because the buffer was hypnosis; and in this context our attention was transferred, our behavior is mechanized, we will not be able to recognize the true self, nor know our personality type affect our understanding of the real world. Therefore, he warned people find their personality structure of blind spots, defense mechanisms and the contradiction is very important. GE Rajiv teaching core is the sense of innovation, as well as the multidimensional process to create the appropriate external and internal conditions. He took the conscious attention State named "remembered". In this State, the body can have higher strength will touch the thoughts, emotions and physical functioning. This conscious attention is not the function of the mind, but a potential conscious forces, including our thinking, emotion and movement of all function will start him as the "inner masters" to obey. This kind of attention that allows us to a magical energy. And this is even more refined energy is the energy of love and understanding. This energy, while in the cell to convert composition body substances. GE Rajiv devoted spiritual growth for dissemination of teaching, he created teaching institutions to "GE Rajiv Foundation" and "GE Rajiv Association" name exists in the country. He does not have a fixed creed doctrine, no external rites. He has maintained a tradition of dictation, stressed that the creation of each individual's particular situation. At the same time, he also advocacy groups teaching, pay attention to the process of corporate energy boost and influence in the energy produced by mutual teaching. He concluded that "the Holy Spirit dance/movement" experience, is spiritual teaching innovation. "GE Rajiv rhythm", is his training institutions of specific teaching method, this approach emphasizes precise awareness and specific sense, still preaching to people. GE Rajiv's "Fourth Road" system was created, is inseparable from his disciples Peter �� Wu, Lapinski's unique contribution. Wu, skibinski (1887-1947) was born in Russia, a young man began to cosmology, mathematics and philosophy for in-depth research, 1912 published the fourth dimension ", 1914, published the third tool, the new model of the universe, to the enormous impact of Western culture; 1915 meet GE Rajiv, after taking his meticulous psychological thinking to give ourselves to the" Fourth Road "System. "Fourth Road" system of most of the literature for his finishing. Major works of the encounter with the quirky, the glimpse of truth, the life is true, only when I'm in ", etc, the other by Peter ? Wu, Lapinski finishing writing the fourth road", "the psychology of human evolution may", "looking for Beach Road, the singular life", etc.

