
United Kingdom lowered interest rates push Thursday gold harvest high _ securities administrator

Http://www.sina.com.cn 2009 02 06 03: 43 Sina financial �� MarketWatch New York February 5 rising �� ?? �� ?o?? �� ?�� �� ' February 6, Thursday morning news New York gold for the second consecutive trading day charge. In the United Kingdom's Central Bank will cut interest rates to a historical minimum of 1%, gold (199, 1.70, 0.86%, bar) as the fight against inflation tool investment attractiveness. The New York Mercantile Exchange 2 month delivery of gold futures price 12 u.s. dollars, up 1.3%, to close at $ 913.60 per ounce. Investors buy gold to avoid inflation risks of buying, so far this year amounts accumulated up 3% over the same period dropped a sandp 500 index 6%, tracking major commodity futures price performance of Reuters/JefferiesCRB commodity futures price index dropped by 5%. As of Thursday, the world's largest gold stock held by exponential Fund gold positions created a historical high. Reports: bodies collective sung many international gold buy ETF firm Shanghai gold futures rise again cut interest rates expected to boost the price of gold gaosaier jiepan: ECB resolution or will break gold ice Goldman up 3 months of gold price target to $ ounce Chartered Bank: the gold price in the second quarter is expected to test 1000 dollars gold price rise is opportunity or risk us spare time Gold rebounded big lines continue to rise gold price forecast hengtai Chase Jinping: Gold further consolidation after breakthrough imminent related blog: dollar decline, due to market risk, wish to strengthen (yangyijun) European interest rates before the publication of the full price of $ (yangyijun)

