
United Kingdom army captain John �� French _ President, students

Full name: John �� Denton �� pinkstone �� French (John Denton PinkstoneFrench) birth: 1852-28 September 1925, 5/22/nationality: United Kingdom highest rank: Army Commander major war: repression Mahdi uprising (1883-1898); the second Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902); the first World War (1914-1918) primary battle: elands LVL war (1899); the battle of Pard Berger (1900); Poplar Grove battle (1900); Mont Achilles war (1914); Marne (1914); first Ypres battle (1914); the second battle of Ypres (1915); Ross war (1915) to historic status: a young man, French is a competent and serious caution and vibrant Commander. In the United Kingdom after the Commander-in-Chief of the expedition, he became hesitant, Crabby, lifeless, not willing to assist your allies. United Kingdom the expedition first victory primarily due to the forces of the quality and the division commanders, not his efforts. In 1852 on September 28, John �� Denton �� pinkstone �� French was born in Kent in riepl Valley, his parents were William �� French master and Margaret �� Ahmed ' COA '. In 1866, French joined the army, as the officer cadets and young sailors in the Navy. In 1870 to militia, French in 1874 officially transferred to the army service by adding 19 Horseman. After a rich and distinguished career, he continued to be promoted. In October 1884-1885 4-month period, the French took part in the Nile expedition to rescue in Khartoum is Wai Gordon. Although the action failed, but the French because of the outstanding performance was promoted to Colonel and in 1889-1893 year commanding 19th Horseman. In 1897, John �� French promoted to Brigadier General, responsible for commanding a Cavalry Brigade. 1899, from the second Anglo-Boer War broke out he was promoted to major general and travel to South Africa to take, in Buller expedition in command of a cavalry. War, the French took on 21 October in elands LVL and Ladysmith nearby major battle and 2 November in the city, surrounded by Afrikaaners smooth withdrawal before. November-1899 1900-2 month period, he reorganized his cavalry, and recruit local Cavalry troops. In trespass on the eve of the Orange Free State, the French promoted to Lieutenant. February 17, he moved forward to Kimberley's Wai, this makes its forces into fatigue. March 7, he is in Poplar Grove implementation flanking maneuver, but because of the rapid retreat and Afrikaaners their horses ' bad situation so operation failed. 13 March, he entered the Orange Free State capital romblon Fontaine. 5 June, the occupation of the Transvaal. capital Pretoria He then attended to their horses to Porter's March (July 21-25 September). In late January 1901-in late may, in the Eastern Transvaal implementation mopped warfare. In May 1901-1902, he Cronje angle command on Boolean people fighting guerrillas. In South Africa after the end of the battle, the French returned to the United Kingdom. In 1902, he assumed the alder short of Commander. In 1907, French promoted to Admiral, transferred to army officer. In 1912, John �� French assumed the Army Chief of staff of the British Empire, and in a year was promoted to marshal of the army. In 1914, Kal mutiny, he resigned from the post of Chief of staff. In the first world war broke out, French was selected as the Commander-in-Chief of the United Kingdom the expedition arrived in France. Slightly ironic, his sister Charlotte �� despa is participating in leading a movement against the war. 1914-August 18-19, John �� French to British forces concentrated in southern Belgium, located in lang Rezac General of France's fifth army left wing. The British tried to block Alexander �� Feng �� crook in Germany first army, but in Mons (23 August) and Le Cato (August 25-27) was outstanding German defeat. French on long Rezac in the crook of the attacks to Paris South East retreat very dissatisfied with. And Mons are the war, the French on the war much more pessimistic attitude, doubt whether the final victory in the war. After that, French cooperation with the French is not positive, focused on the preservation of his troops, an attempt was made to the British army to retreat to the Xsara River to the South. This allows the Secretary of State for war, kitchen had to be September 1914, emergency inspection conducted personally, and encouraged by the intervention of French morale. French reluctantly agreed to participate in virtual lust-August 30, in the Marne River implementation of CounterPunch, and rate of attack crook first flank of army exposure. This attack is successful will Germans off to CR. Subsequently, John �� French commanding British forces fighting in France and Belgium, in the first battle of Ypres (1914, 19 October-22 November), the second battle of Ypres (1915 April 22-25 May), Ross offensive (1915, 25 September-4 November) are achieved good results. However, due to continued cooperation with the French, and negative attitudes in the battle of the Ross is extremely inappropriate with the reserve team, the French were strongly criticized. This led to his 15 December was replaced by Douglas �� Haig. The expedition was relieved of the post, John �� French for Viscount, 1915-1918 as the Commander-in-Chief of the native forces of the United Kingdom. In the meantime, he suppressed the 1916 Easter uprising in Ireland. 5-year 1918, French was awarded the title of the Governor of Ireland, in extremely difficult period fulfilled his duties. In early 1921, French resignation and accept the Earl title. In his retirement, the United Kingdom Government to grant him 5 million pound prize. John �� French jazz in 1925, 22 may pawn in Kent's Deer Castle. A young man, French is a competent and serious caution and vibrant Commander. In the UKCountry Yuanzheng Commander-in-Chief, he became hesitant, Crabby, lifeless, not willing to assist your allies. United Kingdom the expedition first victory primarily due to the forces of the quality and the division commanders, not his efforts. (War studies)

