
The rise of United Kingdom (4): beat Spain on country road, _ unnamed

(Source: 2009 04 13 Phoenix network history channel) is established in the 16th century, the golden age of the West European countries. But this is not to say that these countries to speed up the internal development, but they have to go through the looting of the world, the world's wealth to their own prosperity. A mountain tolerate second Tiger, when two robbers put to the same place, fighting and war is inevitable. The 16th century, the feudal military colonial empire, Spain in the Western Hemisphere sabre-rattling monopolized the many areas of trade, its colonial forces across Europe, America, Africa, Asia and four continents. According to statistics, the year 1545-1560, Spain Navy from overseas back to gold is $ 5500 kg, silver 24.6 million kilograms. To the 16th century, the world of precious metal mining 83 per cent to Spain. In order to safeguard their sea transit and its interests in the overseas, Spain has set up a 100 more ships, the 3000 pieces of artillery, tens of thousands of soldiers of the great maritime fleet. Similarly, in the middle of the 16th century, the United Kingdom through the enclosure movement, bloody looting legislate, overseas, especially to overseas trade and an out-and-out piracy together, and with the support of the King was developing rapidly, while at the same time have a strong desire to external expansion. The expansion of the United Kingdom, the inevitable conflict with Spain. For Spain, the nature are not allowed to other countries in occupies him from colonial interests. The United Kingdom, as well as on the sea, robbery, plunder a serious threat to Spain on colonial monopoly, Spain's King Philip II of hatred. At first Philip II don't want to resort to force, his complicity with the United Kingdom Catholic forces, attempt to embrace the Catholic Queen Mary of Scotland United Kingdom throne on Rotary. To this end, he United Kingdom organization subversive activities. Mary in 1568, because Scotland coup and fled to the United Kingdom, by Elizabeth imprisoned. When the United Kingdom's Catholics in Spain's encouraged by stab Elizabeth and separate Mary, Mary Elizabeth flight executed. Philip II, murder, is determined to use force to conquer the United Kingdom. At that time, the United Kingdom by the sea strength is not powerful, and rivals Spain maritime fleet, can only rely on pirate chieftain Drake, howkins and cirelli, organization of pirate attacks in the sea, protecting the robbed vessels of gold and silver Spain means for piracy. And Philip II, but with a large group of fleet �� "invincible Armada". 1588 year end of may, the Spain "invincible Armada" billowed from Lisbon, expeditions, United Kingdom. When the "invincible Armada" total 134 ships crew of ships and sailors 8000 people, oar, many people, the slave ship laden 2.1 000 infantry. Obviously, Philip II is to leverage the advantages of Spain infantry, using traditional methods, collision, forcibly board enemy ships after the melee, and then capture the United Kingdom, the channel directly during a London. United Kingdom, acting preparations has been done, by Howard served as Commander of the Lord, Drake Vice handsome. The British army has a total of 100 ships, containing more than 9000 operational personnel, all of the crew and the sailor, not infantry. United Kingdom of Spain, though not as good as the battleship performance, but by howkins has improved, the hull is small, fast speed, maneuverability is strong, and the number and range of the guns. This ship can escape Spain range near heavy artillery shelling of, and in the distance on the enemy fired to gun advantage for winning. August 6, the "invincible Armada" reached France Galera, parked at sea, and the Buddha of the Western army contact Randall. Since the latter failed to arrive, reunion plans fall through, and the British warship trailing, cannot wait to go. The second day, evening, dusk, clouds, sea blows strong easterly, Spain crew have to sleep. United Kingdom men, fertilizing tricks provided with old boat light boat full of inflammable substances, hull covered with asphalt. 6 the wind-down fire dragon, galloping to Spain fleet. Suddenly, a fire, flaming, "invincible Armada" chaos, in broken cable when the boat sails from dreadful mess, the sinking of many ships collided, burned. 8 August, two armed forces in the North Sea Galera campaign. Spain warships, towering over the water, spectacular, but not working well, although the number and tonnage of the dominant, but become United Kingdom warship shelling of zeroed. obvious targets United Kingdom battleship action light, in a distant artillery, fire and cool funky, beat "invincible Armada" many ships have shot burst into flames. Spain to the British warship shelling and shooting, but not life-British warship, as far as possible, avoid entering United Kingdom ships Spain artillery range, in the distance and flexible delivering activities freely. This distance as well so that Spain fleet infantry and heavy artillery could not be fully functional. Fierce conflict lasted all day, until both sides until exhaustion, the bombardment of ammunition. The "invincible Armada" was playing Sevens, two minutes fleet flagship shot, hit, a fleet commander captured. The rest of Spain ships riding the wind to the North on the run, ready to bypass the Scotland, Ireland. With the onslaught of the stampede of Spain fleet sell up, more unfortunate is encountered in the sea after two great turmoil, the vessel capsized. Many soldiers, sailors were waves rushed to the West coast of Ireland, was killed by British forces. In October to 1588, "invincible Armada" only 43 boats damaged vessel returns to Spain, to near-disastrous outcome fiasco. The British warship no losses, dead sea sailor only 100 or so. Br > yingxi Galera sea battle of that ship's flexible and artillery superiority has replaced the former naval battle of close combat, boarded the ship of foot soldiers, war from a completely new structure. This time the sea battle is essentially from the United Kingdom after colonialism and old colonial Spain a decisive battle between. United Kingdom sea victory, defeat the most powerful opponent, the hands from Spain won the hegemony of the sea, from obtaining hegemony. Spain is due to the "invincible Armada" flooded and the dead, from this decline. As the United Kingdom achieved supremacy at sea, so it was a only small isolated island of millions of people to be the world's number one colonial empire, and later centuries maintained the world "in the first power" and the "seas" status. It under its Cannon Lee, unscrupulous, throughout the world tyranny. 16 th century, the United Kingdom sent a fleet of several times to invasion swept the West Indies. Then, the United Kingdom began to organize the colonization of North America. 1607, 3 United Kingdom boat voyage to North America, in today's Jamestown Virginia coastal establishment, which is the United Kingdom in North America's first permanent colonies. United Kingdom settlers predatory, erode Indian lands in North America's Atlantic coast gradually colonization, soon began selling Blacks from Africa swept into North America, where slaves working to extract wealth. From the black slave trafficking, United Kingdom also grab a huge bloody profits. In the second half of the 16th century, the United Kingdom, feeble and unprecedented prosperity, economic production continues to grow, prosper, London has become the International Centre for trade and credit. 1500 years, London about 5 million people, over a century, its population increased to the original 5 times, but also continues to grow. This prosperity was based on its own working people and colonial people's blood and above. Marx said: "capital came to this world, from head to toe, every pore is dripping with blood and dirt. " Elizabeth I (ElizabethI, 1533, born September 7, namely today GMT London Greenwich, 1603, 24, died in Surrey), November 17, 1558-1603 March 24 the Kingdom of England and Ireland Queen, Tudor fifth and last monarch. Her lifelong never married, so called "virginity Queen". She ascended the throne when England in internal religious split of chaos, but she has not only succeeded in maintaining the unity of England, and after nearly half a century of rule, make the England become the most powerful in Europe, one of the richest countries. England culture during this period reached a peak that emerged such as Shakespeare, Francis �� Bacon such famous people. United Kingdom in the North American colonies were established during this period began. Her reign period in the history of the United Kingdom were called "Elizabethan", also known as the "golden age". Childhood Elizabeth was born in London of the presen Greek Palace, she was Henry VIII and his second King Houanni �� Bolin's only surviving child. Because her parents were married by Protestant religious, Catholic thought she was a girl. Her birth was designated as heir to the throne, her half sister Mary as she waited. Elizabeth was three years old, her mother convicted of treason and sentenced to a year after Henry VIII and his third wife Jane �� Seymour, gave birth to a boy: Edward. Elizabeth and Mary are Edward's servants. Henry later Queen have two princesses are very good, Henry I also usually focus their growth, they are well educated, a reliable friend and partner of the same age. 1547 years after the death of Henry, his last Queen Catherine �� PAL and her new husband Thomas �� Seymour (he is Jane �� Seymour's brother, the new King Edward VI's uncle) conservation of Elizabeth. Seymour was young Elizabeth, his wife died, he was going to marry her, but he and his brother Edward �� Seymour subsequently in a series of rights struggle was executed. Elizabeth is a very good education, her teachers include United Kingdom Renaissance famous humanist Roger �� ascain. She received classical, history, mathematics, poetry and language education. During her reign, she was able to speak and write in six languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Latin and Greek. Catherine �� PAL and her other teachers of Elizabeth became a Protestant. Prior to her brothers, her position relatively stable, but Edward 1553 by tuberculosis or arsenic poisoning and death. Jane �� Dorian only nine days Queen, was her house accomplices Ong, and was subsequently overturned on stage of Mary I executed. Mary is a devout Catholic, she forced Elizabeth converted to Catholicism. Elizabeth on the surface, while the ban, but the inside is still a Protestant. Mary on this very dissatisfied. There was a brief period of time was put into even Elizabeth Tower of London. Some people think that she is here about her later lover Lester �� Robert Earl of Dudley, but more likely, they met in childhood. Elizabeth insured life, Mary and the Kingdom of Spain's King Philip II's wedding makes England return increases the likelihood of the Catholic Church, the people of England and nobles were very dissatisfied. 1558, Mary no child died, Elizabeth became her legal heir. United Kingdom Parliament reiterated the King Henry VIII as heirs under Elizabeth. Coronation R > Elizabeth in 1559, 1, 15, was crowned in Westminster Abbey, the Queen had her status is very unstable. Her Coronation day was the United Kingdom, the famous mathematician and astrological scholar John �� Dee pick, it is said that it was particularly propitious. To her Coronation is CARIS-Bishop, he was in church circles can find the highest recognition of her legal status. The same year she had signed to end war in Italy-Campo with Ricardo Gil Treaty. Political Elizabeth 44 years of rule United Kingdom religious differences of struggle against very strong. 1530 years Henry VIII and the Catholic Church established United Kingdom break. Edward VI's short reign Anglican doctrine has become increasingly sophisticated. Mary rule the Church lost its dominance. Elizabeth regained the status of the Church. In Elizabeth's first two years of reign, she published the Decree of the Supreme Law and single, King is the highest leaders of the Church. Although she attempted to religious extremism to find a compromise between the way to go, but she is undoubtedly a Protestant. Especially in Ireland Catholic and the other is considered a pagan who was persecuted. William �� Cecil is her closest political adviser, Cecil she has founded the Cedar Lee Lord this title. 1598, Cecil died, his son Robert �� Cecil became the closest Advisor Elizabeth, but Robert fall far short of achieving its father. Her management institutions in another important person is Sir Francis �� Hua XING Han. Huaxing Han in the whole of Europe has established a spy network. He can guarantee that all of the Queen's plot is his knowledge. The problem heir on Elizabeth biggest criticism is that she did not provide an heir. Others thought she'd married, there are many people who pursue her, including her former brother-in-law, Spain's King Philip, and her pet's Earl of Leicester. Many people think that Lester count was her lover. Elizabeth is very wise to avoid them. A few years later, when her reign has been consolidated, people are increasingly obvious to see that she is not married. When someone asked her why she never married, she referred to her sister in the reign of her situation. At that time, she is Mary taboo, but rebels as Thomas �� White Knight also took advantage of her name. Therefore she wisely realized that if she specifies a heir, her position will be weakened, but this one can give her enemies provide a stimulus, because they can use this heir to oppose her. But there is no heir of England passed away in her circumstances from time to time into civil war. 1562 years she was suffering from smallpox almost killed when it became very obvious. In a time of Elizabeth had seriously considered married. But a Catholic's husband is obviously impossible, but a Protestant's husband as the Earl of Leicester will immediately increase the sectarian struggle within the Palace. Whether she selected who will not be a good result. Regardless of her personal inclinations, she was the situation that any transmission of these considerations can not be achieved. She was with some of the potential heirs, but Elizabeth on all of them. She's the Queen Mary of Scotland table niece �� Stuart is a Catholic. In her Kingdom from Scotland, and even after that before leaving she has been a very likely successor. Mary be removed after Elizabeth although accepted her, but she is imprisoned Mary to protect Mary could not threaten her position. Mary's son James was still a child, he has not been tested before he also will not be taken into account. Other candidates are unlikely. Elizabeth is one of the partners, Kum �� Greta leijon sister Catherine �� Mrs. Greta leijon because contrary to the wishes and get married Elizabeth angered Elizabeth. Catherine �� gray �� gray of Sister Mary is a carrying back a dwarf. Elizabeth had always hoped that Mary I of Scotland will ban according to Protestant and find a husband of Elizabeth considers reliable, so her in jail in England, Mary will be her successor issues postponed again. At the same time she continued to have the possibility of marriage. She had considered in France many Prince to find a husband. The first recommendation is better than her small 20-year-old Duke Henry of Orleans (later Henry III), the then King Charles IX's brother. When this proposal was rejected after she also considered his younger brother alencon Duke Francois. However, Francois of thinned to the plan or went bankrupt. Last year 1571 is eligible to be her successor of England, Catherine �� Dorian, died. Elizabeth was forced to reconsider the Scottish Queen Mary. Elizabeth recommends Mary and Leicester, Earl married Mary rejected this proposal. But then Mary's son James has been affected by the Protestant education. 1570, his Holiness convince Elizabeth let Mary returned to Scotland. But Elizabeth made many demanding requirements, one of which is to make James left in England. But her advisers Cecil or continue to try to help Mary back to Scotland. But the Scots refused to accept the old Queen, therefore attempted. Religious tolerance end justified at this point the new Pope asylum v 1570, from 25 February to eliminate Elizabeth's membership. This enables Elizabeth unable to continue her religious tolerance policy. At the same time her enemies on herThe plot also made her very angry. 20 years, Mary has always tried not to Elizabeth challenge. But when she lost her Catholic sympathizers of conspiracy. These conspiracy orchestrated is Anthony �� Babington, whose aim is to rescue her from Elizabeth Mary and replaced. On Elizabeth, this is a great place to eliminate the enemy. 1587, she executed Mary (it is said that she was not prefer this command). And Spain's war Elizabeth to France's Protestant Henry IV provides military and money to make his throne for France. In the eight years of war in the Netherlands of Protestant Orense dead Prince William I (silence) to provide the army to let his revolt against Spain. Not only so, 1568, Frank �� Drake and John Hawkins �� Jazz led a trafficker slave fleet was seriously injured after Spain, the Royal Navy's fleet of Spain brought Choi has constantly been England pirate plunder. Spain's King Philip II's decision to Mary's death as an excuse to invade England to defeat England to Spain in the European continent and in its overseas colonies challenges. 1588 year September a big storm and Elizabeth's Navy generals beat Spain has sent the invincible Armada. Nevertheless, Spain 1589, defeated a larger England counterattack fleet. This war has continued to play in 1604, the two sides sinal, whether at sea or on land in England and cannot prevail. From 1594, in Ireland also a guerrilla war broke out. Elizabeth last years's pet Chen �� Robert Devereux, he is the adopted son Earl of Leicester. She even forgave his misdemeanours, but Robert 1601, participated in a field in the riots, Elizabeth had to be executed. Death Elizabeth never married, she's dead end Tudor. In her later years, when she had to determine her heirs, she increasingly her nephew, she executed Scottish Queen Mary's son James. But she never officially named his successor. 1603 on March 24, she died in Surrey Richmond Palace columns. She was buried in Westminster. Her successor is James I. The James had become the James VI of Scotland. At this time, England and Scotland and into a monarch, Stuart's reign, began the process of reunification of Britain's first step-the Royal United, England and Scotland continues to be internationally recognized as two countries, two countries continue to maintain their own independent Government. She died 50 years later, the United Kingdom bourgeois revolution broke out, the United Kingdom became a short-lived Republic. United Kingdom culture Elizabethan era is the United Kingdom as an important cultural development. Literature, particularly poetry and drama has entered a golden age. United Kingdom study on other continents, particularly American survey has entered a new phase. Like her father, she is also engaged in writing and translation, she personally translated Horace's "the art of poetry. Some of her speech during his lifetime and has been handed down since the translation works. Elizabeth of prestige hosted by BBC people elected by the "greatest 100 United Kingdom", Elizabeth listed the top ten. She often plays or novels. 1971 Glenda Jackson �� shooting Queen Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots is most welcome. In 1998, Kate �� Blanchette in the Queen Elizabeth law plays a young man, Judy �� den singular in the plays of Shakespeare love old Queen. Miranda �� Richardson in the TV series "black Viper" performing a Queen of surrealism. Gay pioneer Quentin �� Clichy RS in the Orlando played her. " Benjamin �� Britten in him as the coronation of Elizabeth II's Opera depicts her praise and Robert �� Devereux. Elizabeth of myth on later British rulers, Elizabeth's reign period and then many people have a special significance. Walter �� la Regla, Sir Drake and Martin �� froby Roger Jazz became the prototype of the subsequent explorers, William Shakespeare, Chris �� Dover �� Maro jazz and Francis Bacon into future generations �� writers. In religious Elizabeth to the iron rule, but at the same time relative to her opponents on the Mainland, she gave her commanders and Advisor to greater freedom. Although she sometimes develop strategic military operations (such as 1589, England on Spain and Portugal's expedition), but she never like Henry v, Oliver �� Cromwell or Winston Churchill as personally �� act as a military leader. Many military or adventure is the captain of a personal decision, Royal license (especially for piracy) are subsequently replacement. At the time of writing is no Royal support. This Elizabethan many events and cultural creation is actually the sum of many individual actions. Later, especially in the imperialist era United Kingdom people, this is a symbolic significance. Modern history of Elizabeth's research and evaluation R > modern European historian and biographer of Tudor evaluation more realistic and objective. From a military point of view of Elizabeth of England were not very successful. Although Spain and magic fleet was defeated, but this is only a field from 1585-1604, sustained nearly 20 years of the start of the war. England soldiers on land (mainly in the Netherlands and France) do flat, in 1588 year naval warfare is a negative number is better than less. 1589 year 1595-1596 and years of naval battle especially with heavy losses. 1590 1591, in the year to the Azores and 1597, England was against pirates. 1595, a Spain attack team in Cornwall, login and add that most of the County into the flames. This is historically a few times of foreign forces in the United Kingdom is one of the landing event. Worse in Mary I of the last few years, and Elizabeth's starting five years in England are continuously being expelled from mainland France. This gives England pride to give a lot of combat, but England total abandonment of its continental ambitions. Elizabeth's hesitation in particular military action is not absolute. In 1589, Spain and Portugal's expedition in the British army did not carry the siege guns and artillery. But her careful is a reason that maybe they consider for long-term: without a solid strategy she hates England into expensive, not necessarily successful adventure. Therefore she does not want to deal with powerful army or fleet combat is a waste of precious resources. Elizabethan England's economy is very unstable. At that time, England on the Netherlands and North German Lufthansa Union of wool trade continues to grow, to bring great benefits. Elizabeth rule initially accept Mary left three million pounds of huge debts. Elizabeth, West, Sergio and her other officials had to take extreme measures to limit State spending. These instruments are sometimes brought additional difficulties, such as many soldiers (including resistance invincible Armada soldiers) for a long time without salary. But as the country's economic development, the situation will be improved. When war with Spain, England at the start of economic success is unprecedented since Henry VII. And Spain's war on England's economy to a tremendous burden. Starting from 1590 to England again liabilities. In particular, Ireland's guerrilla warfare to England's economy has brought the huge losses, it is referred to as the "funnel" Treasury of England. Elizabeth had to sell State-owned land and Office. 1603 England again reached three million of debt, and Elizabeth rule GBP began phase. But James I subsequently in peacetime debt speed than Elizabeth, Elizabeth left of debt is not out of control. Recent criticism of Elizabeth rule is particularly concentrated in England of the African slave trade and her mistakes in Ireland. This mistake has seriously affected the development of the United Kingdom and Ireland. England is in 1562, join the transatlantic slave trade activities, then John �� Hawkins Jazz began selling slaves to steal high profit margins. He from Guinea or other African ports for his human commodity, then his captives to the Indies of Spain slave market sellers. At the beginning of the Queen Elizabeth II blame Hawkins to participate in such unethical trade, but when she shows him hawking telling me experiences undertaking profits she quickly changed her views. She not only shield Hawkins of trade and direct profit from it, even as he provides vessel and personnel. Queen Elizabeth II on Hawkins of the slave trade's support for this trade offers Royal recognition, making this the legalization of trade, it enables more merchants participating in the United Kingdom. So the Queen Elizabeth II and the United States by Todd Thomas �� Jefferson as criticism: despite her moral believes that trade is not legitimate, but she still in directly from the slave trade. Starting from Henry II of England and Ireland between the existence of a political ties. But until the Tudor Dynasty in England on Ireland's rule is very limited. Tudor began to strengthen the rule of the nobility to Ireland. Henry VIII and Catholic Ireland problems after the cut is even exacerbated because Ireland is still a Catholic-dominated. 1568, after Ireland Spain become rivals also became a problem involving England safe. England official stationed in Ireland is notorious, corruption, on the understanding that Ireland has no enemies everywhere. Small uprisings were suppressed. 1570, Elizabeth was excommunicated after the persecution of Catholics, more intensified so that the relationship between the two peoples. 1594-year, nine-year war finally broke out. This war and four centuries after the United States in the Viet Nam war situation phase. Ireland insurgents use guerrilla means to kill and defeat to suppress their, well-equipped and have training in England. In England, this war is particularly expensive. The British garrison was a great loss for several times. The last British troops had to adopt the scorched earth policy, if a person is suspected of participating in Ireland against his entire family was killed, British forces burned the fields, farms, manufacturing the rampage of the great famine. 1604, James I in his first apology to Ireland in order to end this war. But the cruelty of the war against the United Kingdom Ireland's hatred, hostility and mistrust has genetic so far. However in England in the slave trade and on Ireland's policy had the situation analysis. Although Elizabeth on Hawkins of trade was morally be accusedBut she was facing three million pounds of huge debts. Stephen Hawking as she provides economic sources she could not refuse. Regardless of how the United Kingdom in Elizabethan slave trade far less than Spain and Portugal, but also less than later Netherlands in the 17th century by the slave trade. Elizabeth on Ireland's policy of Spain for her on a "backdoor" fear of the Catholic Church. The problem comes from the Protestant Reformation of the mistake in this country. It cannot be easily resolved. Of course, Elizabeth and her officials in Ireland's policy undoubtedly contributed to this conflict, but it still has strategic reasons. Elizabeth gave her successor was a difficult and unstable States. Especially in the economic and religious many questions unresolved. Her most important contribution that she cares about her subjects, defended her rule, use a good consultant. She's helping England to avoid the economic crisis and the wars of religion. But in the 17th century in this war or in support of the royalist Charles I and the Protestant Cromwell erupted between. (To be continued)

