Beijing 798_ flowers
In the northeast corner of Beijing, there is a more than 1950 built factory named art district, this is the 798 art district. It is located in Chaoyang District, Beijing dashanzi jiuxianqiao Street District was also called dashanzi Arts District (hereinafter referred to as DAD-Dashanzi ArtDistrict), formerly the former State-owned factory 798 of the electronics industry is located in the old factory. This region extends jiuxianqiao road, East Beijing package railway, North to the South jiuxianqiao road, jiangtai road, an area of 60 000 square meters. Now called the 798 art district of this factory, the original electronic industry belongs to 706, 707, 718, 751, 797, 798, six plants in a regional context. From the late 1950s to 1964, this area was once called "718 joint factory", known as the "State of the radio equipment in North China Beijing joint factory". That's six factory is the joint plant of the factory. In 1964, the six factory started to operate independently from the joint plant a bit changed to six factory until 2001. In 2001, in addition to other than 751 factory five factory and huarong assets (shares) and a coalition of seven 751 factory Huadian group, unified management of the area Start from the beginning of 2001, from around Beijing and Beijing started gathering outside the artist, who with o798 factory artists unique insight found here on the work of art.
They take full advantage of the original factory style (Germany Bauhaus architectural style), minor repairs and decoration, and become the distinctive art display and creative space. Nowadays 798 has attracted domestic and international media and the public's attention, and has become the Beijing skyscraper urban culture. 718 combine occupation of the region by Beijing 798 art district was Beijing North China joint venture wireless equipment factory (i.e. 718 joint factory), is the design and in the 1950s the former East German experts.
Joint plant in 1952 will build, built from 1954, put into production in October 1957. The 718 combine design tasks in a Germany of Dessau, which lies in the Bauhaus school in the same city, they both share the same architectural Agency is meeting the actual needs of the main characteristics of building the new materials and new structure of technical performance and aesthetic performance; modeling simple, flexible composition. This school was later known as the Bauhaus school. Reorganization in 1964, the first 6 factories 700,706,707,718,797,798 units reorganization to Beijing sevenstar Huadian technology co., Ltd. in December, 2000.
In line with the reform plan in dashanzi, 7 g rental short term these plants. Attract the orderly planning, facilitation of transit, the unique style of Bauhaus architecture, numerous arts organizations and artists came to lease idle plant and reconstruction, and gradually formed a set of galleries, Art Studio, cultural companies, fashion shops, etc., as the oldest region local arts organizations and artists in the original mobile factory 798, so here is named Beijing 798 art district. Artists and cultural institutions in the scale to hire and transformation of vacant buildings, gradually developed into art galleries, art centres, artists ' studios, design companies, restaurants bars and other space of polymerization, formed the great international colour "SOHO-style arts village" and "LOFT lifestyle", attracted considerable attention.
Through contemporary art, architecture, cultural industries and the historical context and urban living environment of organic evolution, 798 as a culture have, on all types of professionals and the general public produced strong attractiveness, and urban culture and living space of ideas have not small. Architectural style with o798 factory-based factory building style concise and simple, functional.
Great cast and bright sunroof for other buildings are rare. They are early 1950s built by the Soviet Union, GDR is responsible for the design and construction of key industrial top mesh, decades of experience countless vicissitudes storms. With the reform and opening up and the Beijing urban culture and lifestyle of transformation, the advent of globalization, 798 factories, such enterprises are faced with further definition and development tasks. With the Beijing urban area of urbanization and the expansion of the original belongs to suburban area has become a city dashanzi, original industrial relocation, the inevitable rise on the site of the better city orientation and development trends, pollution-free, low power, high-tech content of new industries. A large number of artists and cultural human capitalist is a reflection of the historical trend. Cultural industries in this entry, including the design, publication, display, perform, artists ' studios, cultural industries, including fine home, fashion, bars, restaurants, cakes, and other service sectors.
In the original historical and cultural legacy is protected under the premise that they are original industrial plants were redefined, design and revamping, resulted for architecture and lifestyle of creative understanding. These vacant buildings by their transformed itself into a new architectural works, in the historical context and development paradigm, practical and aesthetic and between the old factory buildings started a lively dialogue. Utopia and reality and the moving-in the way of living is itself a product of economic reform, they
Shows personal philosophy and of socio-economic structure of the relationship between the new �� in Utopia and reality, between memory and future. 798 is youth culture through the accumulation of steering mature carrier. The formation of the culture here is the internationalization of local resources, is a personal vision of socialization. New 798 means pioneer consciousness and traditional ambience coexistence, experiment with social responsibility and to spiritual pursuits and economic planning a win-win situation, the elite and mass of interaction. Appear in 798 of this phenomenon, involved in urban development, production and consumption patterns, and other broad level. Just as the birth of cake 2009 ebeecake, site brand in 798, also want to learn the art of Reiki 798, do have cultural, artistic, creative cake brand. 798 art district history
Establishment of the joint plant of 718 talked about Beijing 798 art district's history, from the new China's industrialization started talking, Beijing 798 art district, where is the new China "331" period building "Beijing anovo radio joint factory", i.e. 718 joint factory.
718 joint factory is the premier Zhou Enlai personally approved, Minister of planning, wangzheng command of the former Soviet Union, democratic Germany assistance. In 1952, the joint plant in the suburb of no industrial based jiuxianqiao, 1954 in preparation began construction in October 1957, the national leadership of the Senate to the ceremony and announced start of production. Its speed is rare in founding, its embodiment of the older generation of leadership and builders of hard work. In 718 jiuxianqiao East, and at the same time the joint factory planning are 774 factory, 738 factory, the factory was built, not only changed the face of jiuxianqiao region, but also in the history of the Chinese electronics industry and formed the beginning of the development, this vanguard role will always load the Chinese electronics industry's history. 718 combine after completion of the construction of the national economy, in particular for the construction of the electronics industry, national defense, communications industry has made great contributions. April 1964, the four machines Department undo 718 founded the joint plant formed by the Ministry directly 706 factory, 707, 718, 797 798 factory and factory, 751 factory. 718 combine architectural design 718 combine is the national "331" period one of 156 key projects is the Socialist camp on one of China's aid project.
Because in this camp in the electronics industry's leading position in East Germany is given the task of building joint factory. At that time, the East German Vice Premier oelssner take command, take advantage of all the East German technology, experts and equipment production line, completed the project. Because the GDR not exist equally sized factories, so oelssner organized East Germany 44 institutes and factories of authoritative experts established a joint plant engineering 718 backing group, the last set of whole East electronic industrial strength, including technology, experts, equipment production line completed this grand with a utopian project. 718 combine first Director Neil in the article said: "I have seen in more than 20 Germany, which do not have a separate plant a plant with such a scale. As far as I know, the USSR and other socialist camp countries, this kind of scale of the factory are also rare. "Dessau a construction agencies combine large architectural design, it and at the Bauhaus school in the same city, both in architectural spirit level is common. In 1919, Gros Pius in Germany Weimar Bauhaus school was established. In abstract art, a new arts and crafts style and architectural style was born, whose main characteristic is: focus on suitable; develop new materials and new structure of technical performance and aesthetic performance; modeling simple, flexible composition. On this basis, the new formation of modernist architectural style, the assertion of modern industrial production and life needs to emphasize building functional, technical and economic benefits for the feature, later called the Bauhaus school. Combine with typical Bauhaus style, is the perfect combination of practical and succinct example, Germany's architectural quality, pursue a high standard. For example, the design of seismic intensity in the 8th grade and above, and then the Soviet Union's standards are only 6 to 7 level; for example, in order to ensure the robustness, use a 500 number building brick, building the Windows to the North, and general building Windows facing South, this design can take full advantage of the skylight and reflected light, which maintains the light evenly and stable, but from experience, constant light and can produce an unspeakable beauty. Workshop lean and arts districts formed in December 2000, the original 700 factory, 706, 707, 718, 797, 798 art factory, factory of six units integrate into Beijing sevenstar Huadian technology group co., Ltd.
Qixing group is Beijing and electronic City Park, the oldest one batch of high-tech enterprise, because on the original six factory assets reorganization, part of the premises is idle. To make this part of the full use of the premises, qixing group will have one of these plants. In February 2002, the United States were Robert rented here 120 square meters of Muslim canteen, into the former shop company. Robert is the Chinese art website, some regular exchanges between the people and he also saw this spacious space and low rent, rent some plant as a Studio or exhibit space. "798" artist group "snowball" roll up in this way. As part of the workshop is part of the typical modernist Bauhaus style, the entire factory planning in an orderly manner, the unique architectural style, attracts many artists come to settle in and slowly work formed the 798 art district today. 798 also known as the birth of radio components plant in North China, China's first atomic bomb in many key components to this. 798 was born in Beijing's eastern suburbs, in the 1950s the former democratic Germany 55 experts adopted at the world's most advanced building technology and design concept for the design and construction. This architectural style of the building is currently available only in Germany, the United States and other countries have very little memory, is the world's only modest, with the Bauhaus architectural idea of plant construction design group, the industrial history of the heritage. The digital code as factory name, because they are military secrecy factory. Here the big plant, precision machinery and green tree complements plant way because it can produce the powerful military electronics equipment and became a symbol of China's socialist modernization. These factory workers have the best job and incomparable superiority. Then the film photographers often come here to record factory building and the revolutionary movement of the situation, therefore, there is also a symbol of China's Socialist culture. Since the 1990s, these factories because there is no market for backward gradually. Rapid decay, the factory workers crumbled, and many people were laid off. Factories and workers became the representative of the new era gone downhill. Artists, while new culture began to appear.
Many affected by Western culture artists began to concern 798, and gradually blend in with it. Fifty years have passed, then the designers and builders cannot imagine 798 today. More and more contemporary art center of continuously as a factory 798 towards the edges. 798 is no longer the factory number into the culture code, in the media chain has repeatedly been to retell, into a completely new and unique cultural landscape. For today's young people, 798 art district, is a "cool" and avant-garde. Interestingly, there are some factory workshop has also started, production has kept secret military products. Some bars or Art Studio of the opposite is the rumbling of the workshop. These shop worn, but keep the old mystery, no snooping. Five documentary the 798 to a spectator of vision, touch and feel in this space in 798 and reset, representing the different times of the two cultures and the resulting two kinds of mindsets and attitudes. Them in their development process of confrontation and wrestling, always impact and try to change others, this is a typical Chinese cultural development. 798 art district on now in the sector at present, there are nearly 200 cultural arts institutions into this area.
According to the March 2005 incomplete statistics, in the enter the 798 art district of 103 institutions, mainly contains the works exhibited and share classes, design class, which is part of artistic creation, display and communicate with 59 (all institutions 57.3%), design (including space design, advertising design, interior furniture design and fashion and image design) 29 home (28% of all institutions). In addition, there are spread issue and Bookstore and a restaurant and bar with artistic creation has some minor categories. At least 300 more artist direct live in 798 art district or in the 798 art district as their main art space, of which there are also some foreign artists from France, the United States, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Korea, Singapore, etc. In the 798 art district's famous artists such as Liu Sola (writer, music), Hong-Huang (225 people, publishers), scale (music), Li elephants (sculptor), etc., also have obscure nobodies. Artists and companies hire 798 art district, from thousands of square meters to several tens of square meters. One of the largest rental area is world famous, the world's largest art collection and exhibition companies in Belgium, especially Florence art company (ft. 4500 square meters) and the United States Southern California Institute of architecture (rented area of 4000 square meters), followed by Li Xia leased in the gallery and exhibition space (2000 m2), Hong-Huang, Yang Xiao-ping, published in the rented for ILOOK "," SEVENTEEN "," LE "and other magazines and leased space (1610 m2), Shi jinsong Art Gallery (1350 m), Xu Yong, the temporal space rented (1000 m2), Lee Mo-leased Art Studio (1000 m2). Recently, the world famous gugenheim art company intends to lease the 798 art district 5000 to 10000 m of space, but currently 798 art district is not so large areas can be rented. To date, in the original 718 joint factory, about 10 000 square meters of factory building was rented to various art and cultural institutions, accounting for about 50% of the entire plant. 798 art district of artistic effect as the artist's "ligation heap" effect and celebrity, plus since 2004 there have been two sessions of the "Beijing dashanzi international art festival" (DIAF-DashanziInternational ArtFestival) impact, 798 art district of larger and larger.
The first Festival 2004 (April-May period of one month) attracted 80000 coming to visit, of which about 60% of the Chinese audiences, 40% for foreign audiences, from Paris and other foreign cities, representatives of contemporary art. More than 120 national and international media art festival, and a space for you to active artists and their works. Some domestic and foreign cultural institutions and foundations, etc. on the sponsorship of the Festival. The second Festival (April 30, 2005 to 22 May), in 23 days, carried out performances, show, seminar, and other art activities, attracting viewers 109 80000 above, with a maximum of one day up to ten thousand people. September 200522-October 7, 798 art district is the "Biennale", also a fruitful outcome, many visitors come to the audience of up to 6 million. The major activities, so that the 798 art district, the famous art turnover grows. Since 2004, the Prime Minister of Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Prime Minister of the Prime Minister (Schroeder), Prime Minister of Austria, the EU President (Barroso), Princess of Belgium, France, Mrs. Nane Annan, wife of President Chirac, etc. are visited visited 798 art district. Schroeder visit 798 art district, laments: "decades of Bauhaus architecture in Germany are rarely found, today in Beijing, is really hard!" Belgium Princess you spent a few dollars to buy a work of art. Visited 798 art district of foreign leaders or their wives have agreed that the 798 art district is very good, didn't expect that China still has this activity ideas, demonstrates China's reform and opening-up of the results. In 2003, 798 art district is United States time magazine named as the world's most cultural landmark 22 one of the City Art Centre. The same year, Beijing first winning Newsweek year 12 great world city, 798 art district to a disused factory became the fashion community. In 2004, Beijing was included in the United States in Fortune magazine's annual selection of world development of 20 cities, one of the reasons is still selected in 798. In the past two or three years, to the 798 art district to visit, access, watch, learn, Exchange, purchase works of art are more and more. According to the survey, in 2004, approximately 45 million people in 2005, about more than 50 million people visit this area. Overseas visitors and domestic visitors of scale is approximately 4: 6. 798 art district tourism strategy (part of the contents from the beijingkejibao) 798 although remote, but the traffic is convenient.
To drive away the fourth ring road, on the island in dashanzi jiuxianqiao road, Central, and from the entrance, 2 jiuxianqiao road, or 4 jiuxianqiao road, entrance to 798, in the yard you can find a safe place to park. Bus 401,402 403,418 420,405,909,955,991,988,445,. Note that taxi does not let into the factory, the factory area after dark Dim lighting. Walk down 798 20 minutes, there is now a square kilometer radius of more than 100 cultural institutions, including the publication, design, fashion design, interior design, music performances, film and television play, artists ' studios, etc. In addition to the Gallery, there are bars, restaurants, clothing stores, bookstores, Yoga Center ... Everything. Select a lot here, there is light restaurant France, Italy, and Sichuan. Tourists can buy a gallery or bar art tour map, or simply yourself free to stroll around. From 4 jiuxianqiao road, Gates go straight, see dashanzi Arts District of great brands, the art district. Here a channel in the Arts District is famous, dashanzi art district embryonic form is here. Some attractions are: �� century impression photo galleries (China) �� traditional avant-garde, different types of photos, most of the photos is the boss washing make themselves present Jun. Here some exhibitions usually very difficult to see, such as the hope project solutions Hailong solo show has just ended. �� 798 space (China) �� occupancy space give press conferences and clothing conferences and other activities, but also to appliance-based exhibitions. Here's the roof as unique sawtooth shaped is 50 years ago in East Germany people design producer of Bauhaus architecture, this kind of style in Germany have been rare. �� Beijing Tokyo art projects (Japan) �� Arts districts first gallery. To contemporary art. �� World salinity (China) �� Sichuan Road, directly from the Sichuan little place to Cook, not through big cities is an ornate, odd duck recipe. �� ATCAFE (China) �� NG Jui coffee shop, he said it character is Italy coffee, strong than Starbucks. Pizza, sandwiches. The original architectural style of the prominent buildings. �� Seven bars for GE Zi (China) �� important contemporary artists hair chestnut is opened, if your feelings, you can also leave a message on the wall plate. Famous contemporary artist Zhang Xiao Tao, chenwenbo, Yu, Sun Yuan, QingQing, white Yi Luo, Cang Xin, Fu Lei, horse Shuqing, XING Chun Qin, Studio together. �� 25 miles long cultural dissemination Center (China) �� famous contemporary artists lujie, records his early done a activities: lead many artists along long lines with local artist exchanges. Most of the routes are now walk. Here is an interesting folk art exhibition, like the old paper-cut Shaanxi high fenglian works all over the wall. �� Xiyuan Gallery gallery (China) �� traditional art, Chinese painting copy done very well. �� Seasons Cafe (VINCENTCAFE) (France) �� art district the most worth of France family small hotel. The shopkeeper who Swenson France had a famous France restaurant when the General Manager. His 15-year-old in France Paris learning cooking and management. Here is authentic, France pancake can put meat and vegetables, or ice-cream and fruit. Swainson's SHOOTER are particularly good, is to put three drink in a small cup, a dry mouth. Swainson's super interesting, he wants to say: "we only have a life, you must try every day to be happy. "�� Art seasons, (Singapore) �� Arts District, the largest professional galleries, they also specifically for living in the roof of the House Sparrow opened the window. Here sometimes put new pure art European film elsewhere in Beijing, absolutely not. �� 3818 Gallery (United States) �� Central Academy of fine arts and Tsinghua teacher workshops. Printmaking tradition with a little bit of oil, quite interesting. �� Yan Club (China) �� membership, concerts and other activities. �� You sculpture Studio (China) �� Central Academy of fine arts in sculpture factory, outside at a variety of sculpture. Chairman of an arm is the sculpture you. �� Blank space (Germany) �� characteristics as contemporary art group exhibition in Germany. �� Modern type��introduction (United Kingdom) in London's Gallery is the first in the WestA franchise in China to live and work in the Gallery of the contemporary artists. �� Fruit SAGE (China) �� woman, hand sewing clothes. $ 500, they teach visitors two months of the tailor. �� Modern type��introduction bookshop (United States) Chinese contemporary art the most complete and best Bookstore, the introduction of many foreign editions of books. �� �� Ebeecake (Beijing) to visitors to provide delicious cakes, let the tourists in 798, experience from Beijing. 798 Art Salon 798 Art Salon (798AS), established in 2005, Beijing 798 art district, 798 art district the oldest not-for-profit arts organization, is the 798 art network entities rendering form, it is devoted to contemporary Chinese avant-garde cultural and artistic creation, display, transmission, Exchange and is a rich creative vitality and a new emotions, new ideas, new practices of avant-garde culture and art organization! 798AS founded so far has been a member for 20 000 employees, volunteers, more than 500 employees, is China's first branch of the most ambitious of avant-garde art volunteers! 798AS divided into entity salon and network Salon two representations, major projects include: 798 promotional tour, a variety of artistic creation, exhibition and event planning, Salon gatherings, etc.
798AS long-term ITL partners and recruiting members and volunteers. 798 is contemporary art will China contemporary art of innovation promotion agency �C 798 is contemporary art will, in 2006, on 2 December in Beijing 798 art district official opening, as Beijing 798 art district in the image window and Exchange platform, 798 is contemporary art will be through the full range of cross-border operation of the promotion of contemporary Chinese art and fashion, design, cultural interaction, and extensive accumulation areas rookies uninterrupted to public participation in the emerging art and life.
Space consists of three people love art house of life, and want to find more colleagues and love life of artists together in the name of "to life, close to the art." Space name from the outset-is contemporary art. So with all the contemporary art: paintings, prints, modern ink painting, photography, pictures, sculptures, ceramics, installations, video and audio multimedia and design exhibitions can be found here. However, if only so that it is and all the little difference between the Gallery, they want to find a universal participation, interactive, so, here is the photo lab, live performance art, sound lab. In order to let the younger generation have stereo display space, here is the art of licensed products, innovative products and even designer clothing distribution center. The possibility of presenting art, strengthening participatory art, contemporary art is 798 as will focus on the goal, it is because of this, the selection from the works of art in space to the market and so change the traditional mode of operation of the Gallery, art by Art Salon, PARTY and other activities, many hope that participation in contemporary art to nature's art into life; and provides "too beautiful" (Take-me-home) Arts participation in exhibition, works of art managed/AC, artwork purchasing/custom, art investment/collection consulting services, and for all types of body art Fund/Awards provides operational consulting services. "Positive" in 798, you are contemporary, 798 is contemporary art will, for the pursuit of artistic life! 798 is contemporary art will be available: painting printmaking modern ink painting photography sculpture ware installation video picture multimedia design exhibition Photography Lab live performance art sound experimental art licensed products creative product Couture clothing is too good (TMH) Arts participation exhibition InnerParty art managed, exchanges, works of art purchase, custom, art investment, art collection Advisory, institutional funds, awards Advisory XX to this operation a destination of 798 Gallery list Red Gate Gallery in 1991, created the East Tower of wicket Red Gate Gallery in 2005 in the 798 art district is expanding its second space 798/Red Gate Gallery Gallery gallery from Taiwan, 2006 in Beijing 798 art district, want to introduce an inland and international artists and works of art.
A blank space as Alexander Ochs GalleriesBerlin-Beijing Branch "blank space" was founded in February 2004. From some focus on Southeast Asian contemporary artists. China art seasons, Beijing, China art seasons, promotion of contemporary China and experimental art in Southeast Asia. Art workshop of founding Enron and Liu is a couple of artists, art workshop is their home and Studio. China contemporary Chinese contemporary art gallery was founded in 1996, is the first unique Chinese contemporary artists in the West Gallery. As the name of the Gallery, as the name of the Gallery (as the name of the oil painting Studio) was founded in 2000, 18 December, Aixinjueluo. �� (painters) as moderator. -The Arts Centre-Arts Center is a collection of paintings, music, fashion, culture and business as one of the new comprehensive cultural exchange. 0 factory Li elephants Studio silver jewelry is jewelry is not just for wearing, she is a mobile sculpture. Great furnace will tone poem "the theater, art, film, Opera" four in one "art features the" melted in a furnace "multifunctional art space in art studio located in dashanzi Arts districts in Studio, whose mission is to become a multicultural Center. Octavian advertising Octavian advertising Beijing design company is a collection of planning, agency, design, construction, etc. as one of the advertising company. Sugarjar sugarjar | dashanzi workstation �� "cultural broadcasting limited-private" branches, an independent music promotion workstation, 23 June 2003, was founded inBeijing. Is China's independent music samples. Evergreen Gallery Evergreen Gallery in Italy in 1990, aims to promote the central part of the creation of modern art, and in this way promote exchanges in the West. Mass art/fine's roofing roofing Visual Visual suspense by roofing roofing photography SHOW and made up of two parts, the workspace and Studio in two parts. Tong effect Art Studio wall art space wall art space is a major exhibition of contemporary art of East and West of the international art space. Here the art is derived from two cultural traditions, while also striving to maintain the artistic work of creativity. The Chinese side angle side corner Gallery, the gallery was founded in 2001, mainly in design-oriented, with operating oil painting, printmaking, ceramics etc, supplemented by comprehensive art institutions. Chinese "," china ARTOFFICE hard, hard work, the development of contemporary art to 798 more contributions. Modern art Bookstore operating domestic and international bookshop art, architecture, photography and design books that reflect the latest trends and related areas. Bronze age of bronze age China contemporary art collectors and enthusiasts with a new platform. Smoke ABSTRACT OFFICE "pumping ABSTRACTOFFICE" is to CAO Xiaodong and Xu ruotao is the core of the Open Studio work and is committed to promoting the Beijing and China's development of abstract art. Ka-Ka-new art warehouse is the new art warehouse specializes in Chinese contemporary art and collections of ancient Chinese art, sales, exhibitions, professional company. 3818 Gallery converted by the warehouse of 3818 Gallery to organize painting, photography, video, multimedia, and other various types of exhibition. Beijing century calligraphy gallery century Beijing hanmo art gallery has launched many senior Gallery of contemporary art exhibitions as well as a number of excellent young artists. Saint Oriental Art Gallery in Saint Oriental Art Gallery is dedicated to exploring local outstanding painter's Art Institute 798 joined in 2006. Eight eight contemporary Museum Gallery, Beijing, Beijing's contemporary art museum is located at Beijing 798 art district 3818 Gallery, dedicated to promoting excellence in contemporary art. New Millennium Gallery Millennium Gallery is a painter, arts management, master of Mr. Zhang Yong in 2000 was established in Beijing's major art institutions. The Association's international art Beijing Branch of the Association's international art by collectors money man, Mr. in 1996, established in Taipei, Beijing Branch Library is located in the 798 art district of 3818 Gallery. Cedar pool space Park pool space is contemporary art Exchange and display of personal work space. Enron fashion Studio in 2006, Enron in the art shop near placement has set up its own fashion Studio.